Three Challengers Line Up to be Mayor of Palm Coast

The 2024 election for Palm Coast Mayor is already underway – not voting just yet, but certainly the process of candidates immersing themselves into the world of campaigning has begun. It will be the first chance for the residents of Palm Coast to choose their mayor since the special election in summer 2021. Incumbent Mayor David Alfin has said with certainty he’s running for re-election, but has yet to file as of mid-January 2024. Three challengers, however, have.
One is Peter Johnson, a 30-year-old handyman. Johnson became engaged in city politics in a dispute about Palm Coast’s stray cat population. Now, he wants residents to entrust him as their mayor.
“It’s a beautiful area with so much potential for other Florida coastline communities to model how you can properly balance the influx of growth that the state is experiencing while simultaneously preserving its natural beauty,” Johnson said. “Yet the current administration is not doing that and almost every resident I have spoken to agrees – we need to slow residential growth before expanding the city’s footprint.”
Next is Scott McDonald, a 48-year-old small business owner. McDonald was driven to seek the mayorship to support the city’s economic development, technological innovation, and infrastructure.
“I am running for Mayor because I believe that I have the experience, the skills, and the vision to lead our city into the future,” McDonald said. “I am passionate about making Palm Coast the best place possible for all of our residents, and I believe that I can make a real difference in our community.”
Third is Mike Norris, a 54-year-old Army veteran. Norris specifically highlighted infrastructure, public safety, industrial growth, sustainable development, and the city’s central business district as priorities of his potential mayorship. His military career led to several administrative and leadership roles which he says give him the experience to lead Palm Coast.
“Simply put, our city needs to get back to the basics of good governance and prioritizing resources where they are needed most,” Norris said.
The primary election for Palm Coast Mayor will take place on August 20th, in which the top two vote-getters will advance to the general election on November 5th. A candidate could conceivably win the election in August if they accrue over 50% of the vote, but with three and likely four candidates running, that may be easier said than done. Beyond that, candidate registration will remain open until mid-June.