Constitution Day Celebration Takes Place In Palm Coast

On September 18th, 2021, the Palm Coast Historical Society and the Sons of the American Revolution Flagler Chapter celebrated the 234th year anniversary of the September 17, 1787 signing of the U.S. Constitution at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Palm Coast Historical Society, through the efforts of President Elaine Studnicki and Vice President Kathy Reichard-Ellavsky, collaborated with the Flagler Chapter SAR to present a program featuring Flagler County Judge, the Honorable Andrea K. Totten. Judge Totten analyzed and discussed the Eighth Amendment:
“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”
A large enthusiastic audience at the Palm Coast Community Center, including twelve Flagler Chapter SAR Compatriots and several spouses, attended this extraordinary presentation.