Orchid Society Auction Coming September 22

The Flagler County Orchid Society members will be holding their annual orchid auction on Thursday, September 22nd at Trinity Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 156 Florida Park Drive in Palm Coast. Orchids for this year are being shipped from Kaliealoha Orchid Farm owned by Dean and Mary Monroe, professional growers/breeders on the big island of Hawaii for 26 years. The selection of plants will be mainly hybrid cattleyas and dendrobiums in four-inch pots. The society selects plants from Hawaii because growers there have higher quality plants than those that are commonly seen in stores in the area.
The auction will begin at 7 PM and the plants will be available at 6:30 PM for preview. Payments are accepted in the form of cash or personal checks. The auction is our fundraiser which enables us to accomplish our mission of providing education on orchid culture and care, especially for the hobbyist grower.
For further information you may contact: Jeanne Long, 386-931-3152 or Faith Kaskisto, 386-264-4715.