Palm Coast Places Fifth in Overall City Government Experience Awards 2021

The Center for Digital Government (CDG) announced the winners of the fifth annual Government Experience Awards on Wednesday, September 15, 2021. The City of Palm Coast received fifth place in the Overall City Government Experience award.
The awards recognize the achievements and best practices of states, cities and counties that are radically improving the experience of government and pushing the boundaries of how citizen services are delivered.
“I’m so proud of the team we have here at the City of Palm Coast and believe that this award is well-earned by the hard-work and dedication of our staff,” Interim City Manager Denise Bevan said. “Our team is designing, building, and implementing innovative tools to provide ideal service to our residents and visitors with the best customer experience possible.”
Overall City Government Experience Winners:
1st Place – Mesa, AZ
2nd Place – Louisville, KY
3rd Place – San Jose, CA
4th Place – El Paso, TX
5th Place – Palm Coast, FL
“As state and local governments navigated another year of uncertainty — compounded by shifts in constituent expectations and the emergence of new technologies — the experience of government has remained a significant focus for leaders,” said Dustin Haisler, Chief Innovation Officer for the Center of Digital Government. “This year, agencies demonstrated the importance of having an omnichannel strategy with an increased focus on enabling personalized experiences while balancing citizen and business privacy. We applaud the continued efforts state and local leaders have made to build constituent-centric digital experiences and look forward to seeing how these agencies adapt their digital services in the years to come.”
The Center for Digital Government (CDG) is a national research and advisory institute focused on technology policy and best practices in state and local government. CDG is a division of e.Republic, the nation’s only media and research company focused exclusively on state and local government and education.